Transference Healing has set pricing guidelines for healings, trainings, workshops and products for the following key reasons:


  • To ensure the Transference Healing frequencies are both valued by and accessible to the general public.
  • To accurately represent the true value of this energy, as a healing and ascension modality.
  • To financially enable Practitioners and Teachers to be of full-time service to humanity, and to continue their mastership journey.
  • To financially enable Practitioners and Teachers to ensure their professional presentation and compliance.
  • For more details go to page 21 of your manual.


There is one pricing standard for retail and wholesale costs for workshops, trainings and products.  Wholesale prices are always expressed in Australian Dollars (AUD), while retail is expressed in the correct currency for each relevant country. Please be aware that minimum order quantities apply for all wholesale product orders.



The pricing standard for healings is broken into price ranges that apply to the approved types of healing services Practitioners can offer. These price ranges are converted to suit the currencies of each region Transference Healing Practitioners operate within.

One price range is for Practitioner and Teachers, and the others apply to Mystery School Graduates. It is up to you to determine the price you wish to set within the guidelines relevant to the level of training you have completed. To determine the price you wish to charge, you should consider your own perception on the value of the sessions you offer and an an acknowledgement of your level of personal and spiritual self-mastery.

You should also consider the standard prices for healing sessions within your region. All workshop and product prices, and healing costs, are openly advertised on the Transference Healing website. As a Teacher you are provided with up-to-date price lists as an addendum to your Teacher Training Manual. Any changes and amendments to these standards are uploaded onto the Graduates Gateway when necessary.

Unless otherwise authorised, you must operate within these price guidelines at all times. They have been carefully considered and tested.


As some of our Practitioners and Teachers are now building a client base in countries that are not their own, a standard pricing policy has been put in place. Pricing can be found on the price list that came with your Teachers manual, wherein each currency we have practitioners working with is listed. You will still charge for healing services within this price range, however the currency used may change depending on the country you are working in.

The following pricing standards apply when working in, or from international locations:

  • If a Practitioner does a face-to-face healing on a client while in an overseas country – charge the client in the local currency  (example: A UK Practitioner doing a face-to-face healing on a client in Australia would charge in Australian dollars).
  • If a Practitioner does an absentee healing from an overseas location on a client from anywhere in the world (including their home country) – charge the client in the Practitioner’s home currency (example: A US Practitioner doing an absentee healing from Australia on a client in the UK would charge in US dollars).
  • If a Practitioner does an absentee healing from the Practitioner’s home country on a client from anywhere in the world – charge the client in the Practitioner’s home currency (example: An Australian Practitioner doing an absentee healing from Australia on a client in the US would charge in Australian dollars)

Practitioners and Teachers who are working in an absentee capacity must be organised. If you are facilitating healings absentee, ensure that you discuss dates and times with your client beforehand so that they are aware of when their healing will occur (taking into account time and date changes within varying time zones).

As processing payments from overseas can be difficult, we recommend that you arrange payment with your client well before you leave when facilitating trainings overseas. Whether you are working from home or at another location, you must have an electronic payment facility available, such as PayPal. You should also have a reporting system in place. Once the healing is complete, you can use phone, email or Skype to discuss the healing with your client, or you can record their reading and email an MP3.

The prices indicated in your Teachers manual are equitable across all currencies. However, Transference Healing has no control over fluctuating exchange rates. The final payment you receive for a healing may vary across multiple currencies as exchange rates fluctuate. The most important thing to remember in that you are creating an opportunity for yourself and your client to receive and grid into another frequency when working out of another location. Working in or from a different location is a wonderful experience that will encourage growth, both as an individual and as a healer.




(Includes prices for products, healing services, and trainings and workshops according to country – minimum order quantities apply for all wholesale product orders).

International Price Standard

FEB 2022