Alchemical healing Download




Welcome to the Transference Healing Graduates Gateway!  This space seeks to provide you with the support you need to expand your Transference Healing business.  Outlined here are all our standards, policies and procedures, for you to refer to as needed. Also provided are advertising and branding guidelines and tools, and information addressing questions and processes we have gathered over the years.

This gateway will make it easy for you to build a business that reflects the frequency and professionalism of Transference Healing while remaining compliant with our standards. It will also ensure that your communication with your market is consistent and of the highest quality. Complying with these standards not only creates an easy template from which to build your business, but also further consolidates the reputation Transference Healing has as a professional and unified modality. We seek to create a new standard in the spiritual industry and community – attracting more practitioners, and enabling those in need of our services to find us, and feel safe in knowing the quality and value or our products and services.

This is an ever-changing and evolving platform. New tools, policies and support systems will be provided as they become available, and existing tools will be continuously improved.  We therefore advise that you regularly visit the Graduates Gateway to remain abreast of any changes. All announcements relating to new content or improvements with be listed on the ‘News’ page. Important changes in policy and standards will be emailed to our teachers. Always keep us informed of any changes to your contact details.

I know that you will find this gateway to be a very valuable resource. I encourage you to provide us with feedback in relation to how we can improve this site and/or new tools that you would find beneficial.  Do remember not to share your password with any other person. It is for your use only and should be kept secure at all times.

As you move forward with your marketing activities, be aware that no amount of advertising will increase your client-base if you are not able to energetically hold the space required to support it. This is a very important, and is what differentiates us from businesses that do not operate in the spiritual community, or those that do not run from higher consciousness. Your client-base is divinely guided to you. You will only attract as many clients as you can hold a space for. Ultimately, the best way to increase your client-base is to work on your own self-healing and self-mastery!

That being said – as is the case with all processes of manifestation – you must ‘DO’. You must put yourself ‘out there’, so those who are seeking you can find you. You must take that ‘leap of faith’, and be open and honest about who you are – you must own your spirituality and your gifts.  Sitting idly and manifesting with your mind is not enough!

The marketing and promotional resources we offer our teachers are, therefore, extremely useful tools. This platform will support you to self-master as a Transference Healing Teacher and attract the client-base that is right for you. The important thing is to ensure that your self-promotion realistically expresses who you are, and where you are at in your growth as a healer. Whether you are just beginning this journey, or you have already established a successful healing business, I know this gateway will support you to build a successful Transference Healing space.

Love and Light,



All promotional or marketing materials you create to promote your Transference Healing business using the Transference Healing logo or name, must meet TH Brand Specifications.  For Australian Franchisees, it must meet the terms of your Franchise Agreement.



As a Transference Healing Teacher, you are now a spiritual leader. You are a leader within the Diamond Pyramid of Light™, and a leader for all your clients and Graduates. This is a big responsibility. It is important to always lead by example and with integrity.


Remember to always work from the heart and with the intent to be of service. It is not about the money! Manifestation and financial freedom comes as you master within yourself. Working in this way supports you to step into your ‘destiny and purpose’, enabling you to evolve.